
a grey day, turned silver sequined

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...this reminds me of the season we are currently in and of the horridness that was the real housewives of atlanta (the worst representation of women to date)... thankfully i am at the boutique during the whole black friday/saturday madness of atlanta...i would hate to have to put up with the attitudes and frustrations of the mall hunters. last year around this time i was pregnant and forced to wake up at 4 am to arrive at 5 am at anthro to deal with the insane amounts of people... it was theeeee most exhausting experience, i think it may have even topped labor...but anywho, as you are perusing, just remember what is most important this season (no it's not those boots at half off)...being able to take the time to just be, being able to observe the natural wonders of the world around you ( the leaves here are amazingly brilliant)...soooo everybody...

...besides the stress of the season, it is honestly my favorite time of year...i love purchasing gifts for my loved ones, but most of all i love being hella crafty and creating random trinkets that can be put to use immediately...i'm not really sure as of yet what i will come up with, but hope it comes before the actually day...eeeekk

...for the holiday i would love love love a hand full of antique perfume bottles...at my haven there is an original Chanel No. 5 bottle that still has a lingering scent (kinda obsessed)...i would also like a leather journal/jot-book to place all my random thoughts...i saw this semi-smart mug with cookie cubbie...its a great effort to hide your treats so no one asks you for your last biscuit, but if you are a lefty the cookies will fall out and if you're a righty, you will be forced to turn the mug and reveal the hide out...back to the drawing board guys...

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