
Pin It Now! ...i just realized how long it has been since i have posted last...i have not had much time, nor energy to commit to a post worth writing/reading.
i have begun my next venture in hair accessories and they will be released within the next week or so at Jac and New Moon skincare/salon in Atlanta...i am thrilled that people are able to understand the vision behind my pieces, although they are honestly the most random forms of creative release for me.

Discovery of the day:

...i am always thinking about my future with the hun, but am constantly yanked back to the reality of the situation... after spending a little over a year together but apart, i have had to remind myself that as of right this very second i am single, a mother and a woman. i can't wait until i am wed, or at least in the same city as him to be the woman i dream to be. soooo....

II. while reading bazaar i was reminded of the need to save save save the money that i have and not splurge on the frick-n-frack of fashion...as much as i LOVE a bargain, having that bargain fall apart in a month just isn't worth it. so mom if you're reading; i'm learning... although pretty little things mean more to me than food...food for the soul

i always have an itch to purchase vintage lingere. sadly it is all in my closet(too far toward the rear) because there is no time to oo and ahh at its beauty

c'est tres difficile, but i am trying to control my shoe addicition...having to buy boxes of Pampers helps like rehab...

are words necessary...

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