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There is no denying that A Cup Of Jo's Joanna Goddard
is an awesome Blogger that many, including myself, have on their daily reads list above CNN.
Given that we have moved into the new place and are working out finding a balance with budget
we haven't gotten internet yet
(i know!!! Im not sure how i am surviving)
I have been a little behind on my reads.

So catching up with A Cup Of Jo was so very refreshing.
Especially reading her My Balance series on bloggers that are also Moms that are trying the
keep their ship from sinking.
and boy do i know all too well about that!

Unlike many traditional relationships and courtships,
Mine was....
First came "The Like"
Then came "The Baby"
Then came "The Marriage".
Oh yeah, let me not forget
AND Then came "The Wedding"
So for an uber emotional, Type A 1/2 creature that i consider myself to be, you can imagine
the strain that surmounted with all the changes of events.
Every day includes me trying to win the battle over my inner voice
telling me to just take a nap, even though dinner has to be cooked, shoes have to be tied, hair must be brushed (Not my own might i add) and kisses must be planted.

A calming wind came over me while reading this post that told me
"Kel! You are soooo not alone!

I am not sure how many of you that read by blog are parents,
but i would love to converse on ways you find balance and sanity
even though you may have burnt part of dinner
and just called it Cajun.


Miss Kelly

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