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Happy Monday Y'all!!
(the southerner came out of me) 

It has been super busy on the work front for me.
Both in the cube and in the at home factory.
My head has been consumed with ideas and tasks, yet the hours in the day have not grown any longer. 
So many new items in store and I am itching to share them.
But, I have this internal conflict when it comes to showcasing and 
finalizing pieces that I work on.
Call it an insecurity if you will.  
But, I often worry about the overall aesthetic and message I am delivering. 
I worry that it will not be perceived thoroughly or accepted, 
given that I am self funded
 and am not able to indulge in the best packaging, photography 
and web presence as other brands in the same category. 
It's putting your heart out there for many people to see, but not being able to 
fully touch them the way you dream of. Constantly churning out magical bits of pretty without traction. It makes you wonder what you're not doing right.  
Where is this going?  Should it keep doing it? What if I fail?
 That is just the nature of the creative beast I suppose.  It is a vicious cycle with a vision that can get easily muddied and blurred by the constant comparison and lack of consistent inspiration.
But there is such an upside to this for me.  
And though it may not be monetarily obvious, 
I get pure bliss from creating things.  Anything & Everything.
Expensive at times, yes. But totally fulfilling when you create something lovely and functional with your hands. 
Way more fulfilling (for me personally) than completing spreadsheets. 
That's a skill wire I was not built with.

I loved reading Ginny's What's In Your Toolbox 
columns, because the artists' profiled often suffered from the same
ailments: creative blocks, disorganized studios, and time management 
(or lack there of).
It's so affirming to hear that other artists 
and creatives have similar struggle and I it is great to learn about their coping mechanisms for making the process flow a little better.
 Katie and Bri's Advice columns are great too. 
Super informative and definitely gives you perspective on the world of a freelancer. 

So tell me, how do you battle the creative war fronts? 



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