

Pin It Now!

Happy Friday!
(I seems as though I write that every other day! Time is flying, non?)

Well, I have had a few inquiries about my lip color.
Is it Red? Is it Pink?Where is from? Is it drying?
The answer is: It's both.
I have searched high and low for a perfect pink color.
Earlier this year I vowed to wear more color and there was an array of pinks 
debuting in cosmetics. I new I wanted bright, but not ultra-violet.
I wanted Pink one day and Red the next----typical indecisive ol' me.
 I chose Covergirl's Spellbound Pink for it's bright factor. 
But this was really loud for the office and for my complexion which has red-violet undertones
I also received Milani's Berry Rich in a gift bag for an event a while ago and loved
the richness and moisture it provided, but occasionally a 
solid red feels too serious for me. 
(I tend to feel like I'm trying too hard to be too womanly or vampy...just me? yeah...ok)
So I thought I would take the best of both and combine them.
And POOF!!!
My dream color! A Dark Pink Berry color that works day or night, 
doesn't look like clown makeup, and doesn't cause my lips to peel. 
Sure, it's 2 tubes instead of one and there is an extra step in the application.
But hey why not if it achieves the hue.
I have tried department store brands and fell in love with the packaging and name
more than the performance of the product itself. 
I am a firm believer in drugstore beauty. It gives me the freedom to play a little and 
experiment without having to contemplate my weekly gas budget. 
Guilt-free beauty is always something to cheers about!

How about you? What are some of your tried and true drugstore beauty products?

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